My name is Mrs. Emily Chiang. I have been teaching the Chinese language and culture class at SPHS for 22 years. I am very pleased to be a TIGER. Many thanks to school administrators, parents, students and South Pasadena Chinese-American Club (SPCAC) for their continued help and support in helping the Chinese language class expand from three classes to six.
A variety of teaching strategies, activities, such as the Comprehensible Input, the Natural Approach, the
Language Experience Approach (LEA), the Affective Filter, Stephen Krashen's "i + 1", lectures, teacher’s modeling, games, music, songs, watching films, listening to audio-visual series, Venn Diagram, portfolio, interview, role play, dialogues, dramas, problem-solving, cooperative learning groups, web searches, newspaper written reports/critiques, cultural projects, class discussions, questions and answers, restating stories, clips, videos, quick write, rea-world settings, multimedia, rubrics and AP classroom will be used to facilitate students to engage in learning this language and culture.
The Five National Standards for Foreign Language Learning: 5Cs
- Communication
- Cultures
- Connections
- Comparisons
- Communication

Please click the link below for the World Languages for Standards for California Public School (Adopted by the California State Board of Education in January, 2019): 3Cs
- Communication
- Culture
- Connection
World Languages Standards - Content Standards (CA Dept of Education) (cvhs.com)
Please click the link below for 2023-2024 AP Chinese and Culture Meeting https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#sent/QgrcJHsTmbvzbzqKvDRqctsSlqMsTgjWkQv?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
Please click the link below for AP and 7/8 Cuisine Project
Please click the link below for the 8th Grade Parent Night Video
Check out an Oral Skit put on by Chinese 1-2!