Engineering & SkillsUSA Students Explore Manufacturing Process at Blue Robotics

On a recent sunny Friday morning, more than 25 SPHS students and two teachers set off for Torrance, Calif. where they dove into the manufacturing process at Blue Robotics, a company known for creating underwater robots and marine technology.

With the background and steps of the manufacturing process provided by the company’s mechanical engineers, the group was able to get a closer look at what it takes to create the company’s thrusters and ROVs (remote operational vehicles). Students agreed the highlight of the day was the opportunity to drive the underwater robots and save the submerged toy ships. 

Thank you to the team at Blue Robotics for the morning of education, exploration, and fun, and to teacher Sandra Matson-Fennell for organizing the opportunity as part of manufacturing month, typically held in October.

Go, Tigers!

For more information, contact: South Pasadena Unified School District, Office of the Superintendent, [email protected].
