Wellness Week!

Wellness Week!
12/15/2022, 12:15 PM 12:55 PM
Tiger Patio

Welcome one and all to Wellness Week! Your Peer Mediators are planning a series of events to help you destress before finals week! Below you can find the activity and location listed!

Monday: Reality TEA-V 🍵
@ Kadri's Rm (316)

Tuesday: Hat Making!🥳
@ Tiger Patio

Wednesday: Meditation with Mr. Whitney🧘‍♀️
@ Whitney's Rm (422)

Thursday: Bracelet Making🧵
@ Tiger Patio

Friday: Snowflake Making and Yarn Pom-Poms🧶
@ Tiger Patio

Throughout WHOLE WEEK: Wishing Tree🌲✨
@ Tiger Patio

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